How Long Should It Take to Build a Deck? Valuable Insights

Building a deck will serve as the perfect solution if you want to add to your house for value and outdoor living. However, if you're going to embark on this project, how long does it take to build a deck?

This would depend on several factors, including the deck size, design complexity, weather conditions, and builders' experience. The following article breaks down how long it takes to make a deck to give you a clear understanding of how long it can take to build a deck.

Factors Influencing the Construction Time of Decks

Size of the Deck

A small deck, usually 200 to 300 square feet, will take a few days to complete. However, larger decks can be more than 500 square feet and are completed within several weeks. For accuracy and efficiency, a detailed plan should be followed before starting the work.

Complexity in Design

How long it takes to build a deck also depends on the difficulty level of the design. Therefore, to achieve maximum time economy, a simple, rectangular deck would be quicker to make than one with complex designs, multiple levels, custom railings, or built-in seating. Complex designs may call for extra materials, increasing the time timeline of deck building.

Typical Deck Building Timeline

Design and Planning (1–2 weeks)

The process will begin with the design of your deck. This includes getting all required permits, selecting the materials, and finalizing the design. A professional deck builder will help you navigate this process by following all regulations and maintaining design efficiency.

Site Preparation (1–3 days)

Site preparation involves clearing the area, leveling the ground, and marking the deck layout. Setting up a proper foundation might be very time-consuming, but it can all be done quite quickly.

Foundation and Framing (1–2 weeks)

Foundation and framing involve setting footings and support posts and building the deck frame. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, it may take one to two weeks.

Decking and Finishing Touches (1–2 weeks)

First, the frame is built, and then decking boards are attached. Finally, railings, stairs, and the rest are added. These finishing touches aid not only in appearance but also in longevity by sanding or staining them.

Get in Touch With Us

If you're looking to create a new deck and just can't find that professional touch, look no further than Millie Monroe Construction. Our proficient team will help you design and construct a beautiful, solid deck that will ideally suit your needs. Contact us today to begin the process so that we can learn how we can help, and let us explain why we continue ranking number one as the preferred deck builder in Duluth.


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